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National Feral Cats' Day on Oct 16, 2009
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Oct 16, 2009 National Feral Cats' Day

National Feral Cats' Day 

Evvery day is feral cats' day at Spay and Neuter Solutions.....

During just the last 9 months our organization spent over 17,000 dollars on free spay/neuter surgeries for about 420 feral cats, including rabies shots, under our If It works...Fix It program. 

We are very grateful to our generous donors who make it possible to continue the program.  To be eligible for this option, the cat needs to arrive at the clinic in a trap and his/her ear will be tipped using a universal method to recognize wild/feral cats. 

Care takers can register their colony by going to this website, clic on Services/Submit an Application.  List the size of the colony in the "Other" field.