TESTICLE FESTIVAL Starting on Monday, February 27th and ending on March 3rd our organization will finance neuter surgeries for low-income families' MALE cats and dogs under our Testicle Festival program. Animals under 5 years and 60 Lbs can participate. There is no limit per household. No community (feral) cats this time. Male cats will cost just $5 and male dogs will cost $15. Rabies shot's proof required or will be available for $8-$15. Application and appointment required. To apply: complete an application at http://spayandneutersolutions.org/Services/application.asp. Within 24 hours you will receive a list of participating veterinarians and you can make your appointment at your convenience during the week. If you don't have a computer please call (520) 247-6469 Every cat has to be in a separate, hard carrier. Please display the owner's name and the cat's name on top of each carrier. |