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There's a new driving force in the battle against pet overpopulation: Arizona's new "pet-friendly" license plates are now available.
You Can Help...
Click here to donate We are a non-profit organization. All of our operations are funded by donations from our community members and government agencies. Please help our cause by donating to our organization today! Best of all, your dontaions are tax-deductible!
Funds in Honor of Loved Ones
We would like to say special thanks to our contributors for their generosity:
If It Works, Fix It!
Read our latest Newsletter here!
Here is What's New...
After 20 years and over 35,000 operations financed, Spay and Neuter Solutions is no longer accepting applications for financial support. The organization is closed to new applicants.
Vouchers already issued are valid until December 31, 2023.
If you need to get your pet spayed or neutered, please contact:
  • Humane Society: 520-327-6088
  • ABC Clinic: 520-745-4564
  • Arizona Spay Neuter Clinic: 520-624-5005
  • Santa Cruz Clinic: 520-889-9643
  • AWASA/Pet Fix program: 520-664-5239
Please do not call or email for assistance. We will not be able to help.
Spay and Neuter Solutions provides educational support and financial assistance to qualified owners for spaying and neutering their pets.
Please check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages about the advantages of spaying and neutering.
Make a Donation
We are a non-profit organization. All of our operations are funded by donations from our community members and private grants. Please help our cause by donating to our organization today!
About Us...
Spay & Neuter Solutions is a nonprofit organization, whose primary purposes are to provide financial assistance for defraying the cost of spaying and neutering and to educate pet owners about the importance of these operations. (More...)
Check out our latest Newsletter!
